June 2022 – Report on “Version Française” programme by Katherina Marx broadcast on TV5Monde.
October 2018 – The Journées Particulières LVMH – Hennessy House.
The Castle of Bagnolet, historic house of the Hennessy Family, was built in 1840 on the edge of the Charente River. Erected in 1876, the Winter Garden has been renovated in 2018 and thus regained its past glory and character. Hennesy asks Mathilde Jonquière for a mosaïc floor creation of green marble, in collaboration with Claire Munier who designed the garden with Mediterranean plants. The chromatic polyphony of the mosaïc comes to vibrate the bright floor in a dynamic volume depending on the perspective. Subtle and graphic, Mathilde Jonquière has been inspired by the flow of the water and the notion of mixture in her interpretation of the Winter Garden’s environment. The artist has created stunning “green waves” in relation with the Charente, this particular River which is at the heart of the Cognac fabrication process. Sometimes mat, shinny or satin depending on its polish level, the mosaïc waves as the daylight and the point of view change, bringing a permanent spectacle.
La Grande Épicerie de Paris, Rive Droite.
Le Bon Marché met the artist Mathilde Jonquière who realised four mosaics to dress up the walls of the new Grand Epicerie, 80 rue de Passy in the 16th district. From vivid tones to games of scales, these pieces reveal the world of the famous Grande Epicerie, such as in the Fish market or the Chocolaterie.